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Animal Farm Book Quotes

Animal Farm: Exploring Orwell's Famous Quotes

Unveiling Orwell's Vision in Animal Farm

"Our lives are miserable, laborious, and short."

This quote encapsulates the plight of animals living under the rule of the humans. Orwell uses it to highlight the oppressive and unjust conditions they endure, where their lives are defined by toil and hardship.

"Four legs good, two legs bad."

This slogan, chanted by the animals after the rebellion, reflects their newfound belief that animals are superior to humans. It becomes a symbol of their unity and determination to establish a more equitable society.

"Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy. Whatever goes upon four legs or has wings is a friend."

This quote further solidifies the animals' distrust of humans, as they come to see them as their oppressors. It also illustrates the division and polarization that Orwell observed in human societies.
